Monday, February 06, 2006


Welcome to the Upmost for HIS highest Bible study blog. I hope that we can grow and learn together regardless of where we are physically, emotionally or in our schedules. My mom suggested that we try this and as I pondered it, I thought that blogging is a perfect medium for a bible study. You can go to it when you want to. You can comment on someone's thought or you can post your own reflection. I think it may be a blessing to us all.


Blogger Naab Family said...

I would like to suggest that people be invited to participate on this site.
Otherwise we will have less control about how it is run. I want to learn from this excerise as well as have a discussion of HIS UTmost.
My goal is to bring other poeple into this type of format to get a better idea where to go from here. So let's for starters have you, me and Lynette be involved unless you know of someone else who would be a good a good christian academic interested in a pilot program.
I think I need to develop a mission statement about what to accomplish so I have a method of evaluation
What do you think?

10:45 AM  
Blogger Sara said...

You sound more academic than me. But go for it, this is your show. I think the power of it will be from having broad participation. You could maybe invite ellen and some other women from church... I will start posting tomorrow.

The only way for people to post is for me to invite them. People also need login to comment --- so for now it is decently controlled.

Maybe Mrs Demsick, Barb or some others... let me know who you want and their emails and I will invite them with instructions on how to post.

5:55 AM  
Blogger Sara said...

Today's reflection on Utmost. God wants to work through us not for us. Like the apostles after the "third day".
Can't you invision them trying to sort out Jesus next move. He rose from the dead! The apostle could have been thinking, " man I am glad I'm not a roman guard"
Jesus is going to rock this place. They thought in their terms not in God's term. Much like us today. We want to see God work in our lives. But we want it on our terms.
Jesus isn't our savior to put a shiny new car in garage.
He's here to shine through us. We have to continuely submit to his will. The fact that we are dejected makes us constantly demanding signs that God is at work.
Lord today I will live for you and not for seeable results.

8:01 AM  

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