Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Chapter 11

This chapter, I think needs more research. Most of the chapter is a reference to scripture. There were references to John the Baptist among the old prophets, references to the proverbs description of wisdom, references to Sodom and to Elijah. And in the midst of this history, he speaks of something powerful. Something to come. He says " the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it. or all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John. And if you are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come. He who has ears, let him hear." I am wondering exactly what this message meant to the crowd of people around Jesus and to the disciples of John. It seems as though he is saying something very important.

And then the verse we've all been waiting for -

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke is easy and my burden is light

After such a difficult charge in chapter 10, here we find the promise of rest and comfort. Here Jesus says, Yes the work will be hard. Yes you will suffer BUT I have grace that passes understanding. You won't feel stressed out about it. Doing my work will seem easy to you because you ABIDE in me.

"The Dude abides"

Abide means -- To withstand; to continue to be sure or firm; to endure; to sustain; to submit to; to bear patiently; to tolerate; to dwell or sojourn

When we abide in Christ we withstand the road that he has placed before us with a firmness and trust in what is to come and he sustains us.

Do you guys want to get into some of the old testament references?

Sunday, September 17, 2006

we're a little behind...so here's 10 AND 11! :)

Chap. 10

This chapter is great because it is the simple truth of our commision from god. Jesus says what we are to do while on the earth and the type of faith we are to have. I know we all believe what he says but it really in practice is a hard thing to swallow. He says to go out with nothing but faith in god. He also said that he is not here to "bring peace to the earth." WHAT? I can understand being bold in christ and share his word but isn't his word include alot of peace and love? What does he mean by bring a sword? (verse 34). The NIV says the yes he does being peace between man and god, but his coming does, by nature, create conflict. The "sword" could mean that we can take comfort that he is going to win any conflict. I don't know... I just see alot of negativity in this passage. I guess I'm asking (sara) Is the world as evil as it seems?
- Adam

The beginning of this chapter is a great reminder of how we SHOULD lead our lives...with complete faith that we will be taken care of. In today's world I wonder what that means...in Jesus's time life itself was about the basics...securing food, shelter...in today's world life is about success. We take for granted what was once the very struggle in life. How does going through life not worrying about the details and just having faith look like in today's world? It seems that even though our worries are much more trivial in comparison...there are so many more of them. How do we put them aside? As far as the "sword" comment, I find it kind of relieving that Jesus made no attempt to hide the fact that he knew he and his teaching and his followers would cause a lot of conflict, and that conflict still lives on today. Whether or not he knew that bringing the sword would allude to countless religious wars throughout our history is an interesting question. I, unlike Adam, actually don't feel that this chapter was overall negative. I feel like the overall message is complete: "it won't be easy, a lot of people won't like you, a lot of people will want to hurt you, but arm yourself with faith and you will be rewarded in the end."

Chapter 11

Ok... let me clarify what I meant my negative. I meant that Jesus laid out a real picture of what life would be like for these guys who are heading out to teach for him. Now in the U.S., I don't think I have ever felt threated because I believe a certain thing but you have to ask yourself about the people who go to the middle east, china, or anywhere for the sole reason of telling people about god. It is a scary thing to me. Now this chapter tells me that Jesus really has our back. Every day we need to say that Jesus is bigger than a mountain and we can take refuge on him anytime we need to.

Chapter 11 hasn't really struck me yet...the quote "wisdom is proved by her actions" is interesting to me though...I think I'm going to ponder on it and maybe come back to it later in the week.

I'm hoping to hear from the rest of the bloggers soon! :)

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Ok troops, we're getting back in gear -- chapter 10 is a nice and heavy place to start

First reactions... this chapter requires a second look on my part. I just wanted to post to get the conversation going.

The words of this teaching is strong and leaves me with both resolve and questions. It's about putting God first. Jesus tells the disciples to go and to travel light.

"Don't make a plan. Don't book your airline tickets. Don't plan it out and get the discount rates. Just go. Find someone who will help you along the way. Be involved with people and in their lives as you travel. Trust. Trust me. Trust people." He says.

"But that's dangerous." I say.

"Right. I expect you to live dangerously. I know what's coming and you may suffer. But I am with you." He says

This is kind of hard to swallow. We are taught to plan and to "take control" of our lives. How do we just "go?" What does that look like anyways? Where are we supposed to go now?

And WHAT is going on the second half of the chapter?? I'm going to have to read some other translations... there's all this business of war and satan and stuff.