Thursday, February 08, 2007

Acts 5

Last night we kind of went all over the place... let's see if I can recap:

We started with Acts 5 which leads us to the story of Ananias and Sapphira who sold their land and didn't give the full price to the church and were smitted dead.

We looked at this as somehow similar to Cain and Able. There was jealousy and lying about sacrifice. My big question was -- If Jesus came to forgive, why are we seeing old testament punishment in the new testament?

We moved on to read Luke's version of the sermon on the mount. This is Jesus laying out the new covenant. Here we see Jesus flipping the law in its head. As Marty put it "he gave the religious leaders the middle finger" by healing on the Sabbath (really, you should read this in the message. Jesus is so bold -- its kick ass)Then he goes out to teach that people are blessed when they are broken and if you think you have your life together, you need to re-examine your perspective.

we moved into a conversation about the "fear of God" and what it means for God to bless us. what is life? etc etc.

We went back to Acts 5 and read the next section where Peter and John were put into jail. An angel came and released them and they went straight out to preach in the temple. We see God flipping the power dynamics on their head again.


Blogger Joan N said...

This was part of the sermon at Chelsea Free Methodist sunday. Jesus healing on the sabbath. Jesus spoke such logical sense "da if your sheep fell into a well on the sabbath would you not get it out" "isn't a man worth more than a sheep" The sabbath is a day of rest but part of rest is time to serve others. Jesus shows us to live in truth. Don't do things for the politically correctness. Do them for service to HIM.

5:09 AM  

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