te·na·cious (tə-nā'shəs) pronunciation
1. Holding or tending to hold persistently to something, such as a point of view.
2. Holding together firmly; cohesive: a tenacious material.
3. Clinging to another object or surface; adhesive: tenacious lint.
4. Tending to retain; retentive: a tenacious memory.
Yesterday was a long day. I really missed Dad. I always permit myself to miss him
the day he is coming home. It was time for Ash wednesday service. I "wasn't feeling like it" It was an important day to think about, to get into the spritualness of the day.
It was spiritual tenaciousness that drew me to the service. They sang the old hymns.
Jay called last night after going to his ASH wednesday service and said "who gets anything out of those old hymns?" We can't throw out the old for the new we must appreciate the old and the evolution of the new. Utmost message is so perfect for the start of Lent. We need to think spritually not with "what feels good or right"
but pray for God to show us what is good and right. See with eyes that have had the scales taken off so to speak.
So this is lent a glorious growth time. I love you all very much!!
1. Holding or tending to hold persistently to something, such as a point of view.
2. Holding together firmly; cohesive: a tenacious material.
3. Clinging to another object or surface; adhesive: tenacious lint.
4. Tending to retain; retentive: a tenacious memory.
Yesterday was a long day. I really missed Dad. I always permit myself to miss him
the day he is coming home. It was time for Ash wednesday service. I "wasn't feeling like it" It was an important day to think about, to get into the spritualness of the day.
It was spiritual tenaciousness that drew me to the service. They sang the old hymns.
Jay called last night after going to his ASH wednesday service and said "who gets anything out of those old hymns?" We can't throw out the old for the new we must appreciate the old and the evolution of the new. Utmost message is so perfect for the start of Lent. We need to think spritually not with "what feels good or right"
but pray for God to show us what is good and right. See with eyes that have had the scales taken off so to speak.
So this is lent a glorious growth time. I love you all very much!!