Monday, February 13, 2006

Listening to God

Hearing God is very difficult. One the one hand there are times in life when it is evident that we are not listening to God. Other times, there are times when people claim that this is God's will when it seems very obvious that its just life. I know that many things in my life have been orchestrated because God is leading me on a path. I also know that no matter what happens in life, God is there behind it speaking through the situation, people, nature, and our convictions. But it can be hard to distinguish when something is God speaking and when it is just part of life. When someone gives us a word of God and when someone is just talking. When circomstances teach us biblical lessons and when things are coincidental.

I do agree that the more we focus on God and living for him and serving him and worshiping him through our life do we more frequently encounter him and the Holy Spirit.

I think particularly we place too much emphasis on "hearing God's direction" when we have to make a decision. I don't think that God is too particular if we take X job vs Y or if we live in X town vs. Y. What I think concerns him much more is what we do with our lives at X job or Y town. We can live for God or ourselves regardless of what all the external indicators say. You could fully serve in the ministry and spend every day working at church and live for yourself you could also have a business where you are making lots of money and live completely for God in the way that you use that money.

People look towards me and say, wow, you are all the way in Africa, you must be serving God well. I always feel uncomfortable with this kind of attention. Living here or there doesn't make you more or less a servant. The way you live here or there brings out the God light in you. I think that this is where we can encounter and hear God.

It's just that his ways are so different that I cannot reach to grasp what his voice is and what it says. I can only recognize that I don't always recognize it or that I think somethings are God speaking when it is just life. I don't know if I'll ever really recognize him or if I have to wait till I get to the other side to finally get it. Life will tell. God is good.


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