Who has control?
The Lord teaches us, I like the term used in Utmost,
He romances us into learning how to live in a world where satin acts like he has control. Satin uses fear and intimidation to manipulate us. Christ takes the opportunity to let satin show himself for who he is. The devil "took" Jesus to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. Mind you the devil temps Jesus after 40 days of fasting. In Jesus was human weakness(lack of eating - nourishment). I visualize Jesus allowing satin to have control as one would empower a small child. Satin has no real power but relies on his ability to twist the scriptures to fit his agenda. All through human history you can see this handy work of the devil. The crusades and present day corruption. The devil is all about trickery. He pays close attention. The more we serve God the more satin tries to get control of us. Satin wants control, God has control.
The sad state of affairs is that we want control. So satin comes along and empowers us to believing that control is ours by manipulating what God says to us.
God stops satin in his tracks, "do not put the Lord your God to FOOLISH test" Satin continues like a telemarketer with his agenda. He takes Jesus to a high mountain and shows him all the kingdom of the world.
"All this I will give you if you bow down and worship me."
Simply the Lord says, "away from me satin. Worship the Lord your God only" Satin is defeated by God's simple word LEAVE. Thus he has no real power. The power he has is in causing us to act in fear. "though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil. For God is with me. His rod and staff they comfort me"
If we hold to God's word and remember we do not have control. God does. Then satin has no hold on us. As he had no hold on Jesus. Jesus came to teach how to live on the earth. The scripture was fulfilled as HIS angel came and attended to him. The world is covered in satins holds on our human weaknesses. Sometimes the best intentions get twisted and manipulated by the intimidator!
God gives us these very visual stories to live by.
Blessed is the WORD of the LORD!!
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